Worksite Utility Coordination Supervisor - Forest Park 4-4-2025

Friday, April 4, 2025
8:00 AM - 12:00 PM (EDT)
* Registration open until 4/3/25 at 12:00 PM (EST)
Register Now
* Registration open until 4/3/25 at 12:00 PM (EST)
10 Seats Remaining
10 Seats Remaining

This 4-hour class provides an overview of the contractor's responsibilities regarding the Georgia Utility Facility Protection Act (GUFPA) and what is required to comply with GDOT utility locate contract specifications.

* Registration open until 4/3/25 at 12:00 PM (EST)
Register Now
* Registration open until 4/3/25 at 12:00 PM (EST)
10 Seats Remaining
10 Seats Remaining

This course may be taken to satisfy the Georgia DOT training requirement for Worksite Utility Coordination Supervisor (WUCS). 

For More Information:

Glenda Harris

Glenda Harris

Safety & Workforce Director

View Profile
